Secret Tactics to Win Playing the Latest Sakong Cards    -  The Sakong game or also known as 3 Kings is a game that uses playing cards. However, the game is more about competing for the values ​​on the cards. Almost the same as the dominoqq card gambling game that is usually played, however, only 3 cards will be added up and using playing cards. The Sakong card game is very interesting, besides this game you can get a big jackpot from the dealer where you play.

To be able to get all of that, of course you have to have effective tactics, so you can win the game easily. Actually, this game is not difficult to play, as long as you are willing to study it seriously. Apart from that, to be able to win this game, you have to know the card combination that can win you.

Below we will share several Sakong card combinations first so that you can easily play and learn the secret tactics that we will give you.

The Best Card Arrangement in the Sakong Card Game
You must be able to master several of these combinations first so that you can quickly make decisions when playing this Sakong card game. The card with the image has a value of 10 while the other cards still follow the value of the card itself. What is the combination like? Let's review it below.

Triple Ace & Three Pictures
The order at the top of the Sakong card game is by collecting 3 king cards. This type of card is the strongest arrangement. If you get this type then you will win the game. Unlike the Ace card, the triple Ace arrangement can give you victory but in a different way. If you get this type of card then you can get a jackpot from every player at the table.

Triple Q
The next one is 3 cards with a Q value of 3. This combination occupies the third position in the Sakong game. Of course it will be very difficult to get this type of card because the cards will be randomized in such a way. But if you get it of course you will win.

Triple J
This type is not much different from the three top ranks that we mentioned earlier, only this combination requires a card with the image J. Of the three images you can also get a strong card, for example J, Q, K. This card is usually called Any Three Picture, this card has quite a higher value than Triple Q and J.

Next, for the other cards, just add up the cards the player has. for example 10, 3, 6 = 9 Values ​​that exceed 10 will be removed and only look at the units digit in that amount.

The Secret to Winning the Sakong Card Game Easily

So, now we will move on to the stage of how to easily reap profits from this game. To win the Sakong game, you can do the following:

Play as a dealer
This method is very effective so that you can win the game easily, because your position as a dealer can attract all the pairs that have been placed by your opponent. Even though you have to pay some players, you will still get profits that are much greater than the money you will spend to pay for your losses.

If you play with ordinary players and get good cards, then only the dealer will pay the winnings. But if you play as a dealer and get good cards then all players will lose to the dealer. However, in this case you must have sufficient capital and meet the requirements as a dealer.

Minimizing Expenses.
If you don't play as a Sakong dealer, then of course you will play with normal players. So that you can still win the game easily, you have to be smart in setting the right bets. In this position, filling is a weapon that is really needed to be able to guess the cards we will get.

Arranging pairs in a consistent pattern will be profitable, so you will probably still win the game very easily. By carrying out the steps we have provided, your winning rate will certainly increase.

That is the information we can provide regarding the online Sakong card game. Hopefully after you finish reading this article you can become a winner in the game. We say many thanks to you and see you soon.

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